Saturday, January 31, 2009

This is what you can do on that web site-

Charissa- week one..
Assignment: Take pictures of every day items

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

In the light.. mexican petunia on porch

Tossed in the waves against the sand for years till they wash up on shore to be discovered by the avid seasheller..
God didn't even make any two shells the same..

They are all diiferant and perfect

Spiders web... on silk..

An ants view... everything must seem so big..
But God says we can do ALL things through Jesus Christ..

Red hibiscus

Mexican Petunia

Christmas Lilly

A day in the sun...

Birthday shoes...

Saturday, January 24, 2009

All ten little fingers and ten little toes...

Some times we have to walk through the fire to come out gold.. He will never forsake you.. And he will never let go of you...

Dirty and old, he says come to him just as you are and he will clean you..

Keira Marie... 1 years old...

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Some of my best subjects... and favorite ones too...
My Boys....

Monday, January 19, 2009

Take the path less traveled...

Laugh more... Wear pink...

I've been working on the railroad....

Think... Only God knows how many pieces of sand are on the beaches..
It says in his word that he knew you before you were even born...